
Research grants and prestigious awards are two important components in the career of academic scholars. With grant support, scholars can establish their labs, make new scientific discoveries and technologies, and advance knowledge for society. Prestigious awards signal the importance of an individual’s contributions and can offer both resources and social capital to further their research and ideas. In this webinar, speakers and panelists will discuss three independent studies investigating the track record of Asian scholars in winning grants and awards. These reports include comprehensive analyses of proposal outcomes from the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health, as well as award recipients in the fields of biology and medicine. We invite all members of the academic community to join this discussion.
We cordially invite you to join us for our scholar community listening session with the Department of Defense (DoD). We are hosting this listening session to provide a platform where scholars can ask questions and engage in dialogue. We will be welcoming Bindu Nair, Department of Defense Director of Basic Research. The community listening session will take place on Wednesday, August 30th at 7pm ET. Please save the date and mark this important discussion in your calendars. This is a unique opportunity to offer feedback and learn more about new and developing policies at the DoD. 
AASF is hosting a FBI teach-in to help the general public learn more about FBI investigations and tactics. Join us as the Brennan Center for Justice Liberty and National Security Program Fellow Mike German demystifies the FBI by explaining its missions and methods.
This webinar covers the process by which those in the scholar community can become Presidential appointees. The Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) is responsible for aiding the President in recruiting, vetting, and nominating over 4,000 political appointments throughout the federal government. We will be joined by representatives from PPO as well as current political appointees who can share their experiences.
Click to watch the webinar recording. In this webinar, the researchers who conducted the study entitled "Caught in the Crossfire: Fears of Chinese-American Scientists” will present their findings and we will hear from prominent speakers on the implications of these findings. Congresswoman Judy Chu will provide a keynote.
Click to see details of AASF's 5/21/2022 webinar, in which three American scholars who have been involved in the development efforts will give us their perspectives on the rise of Chinese universities towards world class.