AASF & Partners Submit Letter in Opposition to Amendment 5810 to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

December 7, 2022

Asian American Scholar Forum and partnering organizations sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi, House Minority Leader McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and Senate Minority Leader McConnell in opposition of the Senate Amendment #5810, the Safeguarding American Innovation Act, from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY23. Introduced by Senator Rob Portman, this amendment would have had long standing impacts and ramifications for the broader Asian American and immigrant communities, particularly those of Chinese descent. If included, this amendment would have criminalized disclosures on federal grant applications.

 Included in our letter to Congressional leadership was data from AASF’s report.  Our deepest thanks to Yu Xie, Xihong Lin, Ju Li, Junming Huang, Qian He & all of our partnering associations for their important research that continues to make a ripple effect of positive change in Washington, DC and across the country. Through data and reason, we are changing minds and providing more persuasive arguments for policymakers. 

You may find the letter below:
