AASF Leadership Proudly Announces Release of 2022-23 Impact Report


Contact: Melissa Stek, media@aasforum.org, 616-550-8039

The Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF) is pleased to announce the release of our 2022-23 Impact Report, which highlights our many accomplishments, new endeavors, and critical partnerships that have quickly established us as a widely-respected national non-profit organization and helped us secure our “seat at the table.” 

We have worked hard to build up from our beginnings, transforming the organization from a concerned group of scholars to becoming an official nonprofit organization. Today, our membership has grown to include prominent leaders from the National Academies of Engineering, Medicine, and Science, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, as well as past and current university presidents, provosts, vice provosts, deans, associate deans, department chairs, and recipients of prestigious awards and honors, such as the Nobel Prize and the Wolf Prize. We’ve also greatly expanded our efforts to educate the growing AASF community, advocates, scholars, the media, the general public, legal professionals, Congress, the White House, and other government officials on issues directly impacting our communities.

In this report, you’ll learn more about who we are, what we do, and why we do it. You’ll find AASF’s origin story and the history behind the need for the type of advocacy we engage in. You’ll be introduced to our first executive director and the progress we’ve made on AASF’s three pillars from 2022 to the first half of 2023. You’ll hear about what’s to come and ways to get involved.

We are proud of what we’ve accomplished alongside and on behalf of the scholar community, and we hope that this report fully captures our efforts in these early years to secure our seat at the table. We could not have done this without the help of our supporters. We encourage you to please share this report widely. Thank you for your part in getting us this far and joining us as we move forward together.

Yasheng Huang

Kai Li
Vice President

Gisela Perez Kusakawa
Executive Director
