AASF is hosting a FBI teach-in to help the general public learn more about FBI investigations and tactics. Join us as the Brennan Center for Justice Liberty and National Security Program Fellow Mike German demystifies the FBI by explaining its missions and methods.
Click to watch the webinar recording.
In this webinar, the researchers who conducted the study entitled "Caught in the Crossfire: Fears of Chinese-American Scientists” will present their findings and we will hear from prominent speakers on the implications of these findings. Congresswoman Judy Chu will provide a keynote.
Click to see details of AASF's 5/21/2022 webinar, in which three American scholars who have been involved in the development efforts will give us their perspectives on the rise of Chinese universities towards world class.
On Friday, September 17, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET, AASF will cosponsor the webinar "Effects of Federal Immigration Policy on US Science and All Scientists" with the American Physical Society.